Hi, lovers of the Ballydehob Jazz Festival Poetry Slam. And for all lovers of poetry – or even of poets!
Great news! Once again, we will be hosting the now annual and unmissable Poetry Slam during the Ballydehob Jazz Festival. (We call it a Poetry Slam, but it’s not a competition.)
A couple of hours of beauty, truth, laughter, emotion, joy and fascination! Prepare to be thoroughly moved.
We have a great line-up of spoken word poets and will have a few surprises as well. And, as usual, music will feature, too. Agus an Ghaeilge, ar ndóigh.
Bilingual Cork poet, Julie goo, returns due to massive demand. Also, we will have members of the Kiln Collective, a Dublin-based group, featuring David Hynes, Annie Peter and Fergus Costello. And Poet and Green activist,
Paul Ó Colmáin will be MC and, with his colleagues, will provide musical interludes.
It’s on 2.00pm Sat. 30th April. Booking will be essential – you can do so by emailing workingartiststudios@gmail.com
Oh, and it will be a pass-the-hat gig.