Imeall an Chósta. Concert by MARCUS MAEDER & VERONICA MOCKLER
We are delighted to invite you to a fascinating evening of sounds – and more! on Saturday 17th June at 5.00pm in WAS.
In his concert at the Working Artist Studios, Marcus Maeder interweaves field recordings of the Roaringwater Bay from his research project “Imeall an Chósta” with sound fragments and passages from his latest release, “Crepuscule”. The result is a multi-layered, sonic burrow that brings natural sounds from the sea and land together with synthetic sounds into a harmonic polyphony.
Based on his research on the sounds in and around Roaringwater Bay, West Cork, Marcus’ last event in Working Artist Studios was a fascinating and highly entertaining experience and this concert is based on the aural research he has garnered. A Q&A session will follow, no doubt lively! Lots more at info at his site.