Poetry Course with Afric McGlinchey Sept/Oct 2014
“Liberation through Constraint: Using Form in Poetry”
Afric McGlinchey returned in Sept/Oct to host this well-attended poetry course:
“This six-week course will pay particular attention to how the external, visible structure of a particular form can mirror an internal one. Each week, we will focus on a specific form. We will also consider how line length impacts on tempo and music. During the course, metrical patterns, rhyme schemes and not least, punctuation, will also be evaluated. By the end of the course, you can expect to have written at least six poems, in six different poetry forms. Triggers will be given, and writing and reading will take place during workshops. The resulting poems will receive in-depth feedback and editing suggestions.
By the end of the course, you can expect to have written at least six poems, in six different poetry forms. Triggers will be given, and writing and reading will take place during workshops. The resulting poems will receive in-depth feedback and editing suggestions.”
This is a continuation course, but is also open to anyone who has already had poems published in journals.
Afric has taken part in international poetry festivals in South Africa, Northern Ireland, France, England, Italy and Zimbabwe. She won the 2010 Hennessy Award for Emerging Poetry and the Northern Liberties Poetry Prize (USA) in 2012. She was highly commended and shortlisted in the 2012 Magma and Bridport poetry competitions, (UK), and was recently placed in the Trocaire, Westport and O’Bhéal competitions. A Pushcart and a Forward nominee, she was also long-listed in the National Poetry Competition (UK) this year. Afric’s collection, The Lucky Star of Hidden Things, was published by Salmon in 2012. Her work has been translated into Irish, Spanish and Italian. www.africmcglinchey.com
‘Afric McGlinchey belongs to an endangered species: she sees the world through the eyes of her soul.’ – Paul Durcan