Introduction To Creative Digital Photography
The opening session will be held in the Working Artist Studios on Wed. 11th March at 5pm
Booking: 086 309 5076
Photography now-days is perceived as a way of recording memories, often as a stream of images or as an image which can be instantly viewed, changed, deleted. Almost everyone is a photographer. The smallest devices have lenses and a basic digital memory, allowing us to capture tens, hundreds or even thousands of photographs. More sophisticated digital cameras act as entire photography studios, often including a whole range of video and sound capturing options. Since the process of capturing an image has moved to the digital area, the computer has become a laboratory and a printing station.
This workshop is meant for everyone who would like to improve their digital photography skills. The course will consist of:
– a detailed description of a digital camera, its functions and possibilities
– an introduction to ways of transmission of the digital image, cataloging and storing
– an introduction to the creative and practical uses of various software and apps, including Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Lightroom and many others.
The workshop will embrace most fundamental photography themes: portrait, landscape, photo journalism, object related photography.
Advanced, science related photography themes may be discussed during the workshop at request.
The participants will be asked to bring their own digital cameras and laptops.
Free trial versions or open source digital software will be pre-installed during the first session.
Each teaching session will consist of two 45 min classes with a 10 min break in the middle. The cost of each 1.30hr session is €10 per person.
The opening session will be held in the Working Artist Studios on Wed. 11th March at 5pm
The workshop will be run by Tomasz Madajczak.
Tomasz Madajczak was born in 1979 in Gorzów Wielkopolski in Poland.
He studied Photography at the Fine Arts Academy in Poznań, Poland 1998-2003.
He graduated in 2003 with an MA in the Intermedia Department in the workshop run by Prof. Andrzej Syska.
Tomasz emigrated to Ireland shortly afterwards, where he has been residing and creating ever since.
He has exhibited in Poland, Germany, Netherlands, France and Ireland