Kathy O’Leary exhibitions

Kathy O’Leary Exhibitions     January and September 2012

   Working Artist Studios were very proud to host two exhibitions in 2012 by interdisciplinary visual artist, Kathy O’Leary. Although Leitrim-based, Kathy is from West Cork.

conference call
conference call

   ‘Onward Journeys, A Visual Process’, is “a visual diary of photographs and prints that I’ve captured, collated and collected over …

Creating a visual statement by recording and sharing a certain ‘place and time’. By capturing moments of alienation, appropriation, monumentalism and physicality, using the lens of a camera, I’m sharing reactions, to the environment, industrialisation, intimacy and human frailty in all its wonder through humour and strength.”
“Onwards Journeys, A Visual Process” was launched in WAS on 14th January 2012.

stained glass open book
Onwards Journeys: A Visual Process


Open Book
Open Book (birch trees) | Leabhar Oscailte (beitheanna) Kathy O’Leary

   “Open Book | Leabhar Oscailte” opened on 15th September 2012 and ran until 13th October 2012. Opened by Vivienne Roche, the exhibition consisted of a new multidisciplinary artworks, including experimental short films, digital and contemporary etching prints, photography, interactive word/text play and sculpture.