Working Artist Studios (we haven’t gone away, you know!) were proud to present a dual book launch by Eileen Sheehan, The Narrow Way of Souls and John W Sexton, Futures Pass (both from Salmon) at 7.00pm on Friday 7th December 2018 in the back bar at Ma Murphy’s, Bantry.
Two of our finest poets read from their respective new books and enthralled, moved, entertained a lovely, appreciative crowd in this welcoming and pleasing venue. Míle buíochas do Mary and Seán of Ma Murphy’s. There was, as always, music from Paul Ó Colmáin and a lively open mic session, featuring Lothar Luken, songs from Breeda Murphy and, a great privilege for us all, two poetry reading debutantes: Liz Curry and Daphne Babbington. Congratulations! And thank you all who read and came along. Thanks to Breeda Murphy for the photos.