Skibbereen Arts Festival and 2018 Bliain na Gaeilge
What a line-up! Nach iontach an sceideal!
Due to the fact that we are now, as Damon Runyon might have it, the oldest, established, floating art centre in West Cork, we arranged with other venues to present our offerings to this year’s Skibbereen Arts Festival. And it worked really well!
Míle buíochas do: #49 North St. Kevin O’Shanahan & Susan McManaman agus The Time Traveller’s Bookshop agus The Tanyard.
In cooperation with the good people at #49, North St., we hosted a variety of events, readings, performances, poetry workshops, a film and a drop-in pop-up Gaeltacht.
Pop-in Pop-up Gaeltacht 49, North St.
D’fhreastal slua deas ar an Pop-up Gaeltacht. Bhíodh amhráin agus ceol, filíocht agus prós, agus, ar ndóigh, comhrá againn gach lá! Beidh sé ag leanúint ar aghaidh tar éis an tsamhraidh. This proved so popular – with song and music, poetry, reading and of course, conversation, that it will continue after the Summer (in #49 North St.).